domingo, 4 de março de 2007

Oficina LEFIS: "The Teaching on Management, E-Business and E-Commerce"

Nos próximos dias 13 e 14 de Abril, a Rede temática LEFIS - "LEgal Framework for the Information Society" realiza em Vilnius, na Lituânia, uma Oficina sobre "The Teaching on Management, E-Business and E-Commerce".

Neste evento, serão apresentadas as seguintes comunicações:
  • Guo Liang, Academia Chinesa de Ciências Sociais, Beijing (China), "The Teaching of E-Commerce in the Chinese Universities";
  • Desislava Krusteva, LEX BG (Bulgária), "Development of the E-Commerce in Bulgaria - stimuli and obstacles. Influence of the legal framework over the e-business development process";
  • Manuel David Masseno, Instituto Politécnico de Beja (Portugal), "Artificial Intelligence Based E-Commerce in Europe, What Regulation?";
  • Peter Mikulecky, Universidade de Hradec Králové (República Checa), "Ambient Intelligence for Managerial Decision Support";
  • Panikos Giorgoudes, Universidade de Chipre, Nicósia (Chipre), "The Technology of Downloading Music and the Respecting Law on Copyright";
  • Alex Pastukhov, CLICT (Bulgaria), "Taxation Aspects of E-Commerce";
  • Richard de Mulder, Universidade Erasmus, Roterdão (Países Baixos), "Monotoring and Safety as Research Areas for Management and Law";
  • Ahti Saarenpaa, Universidade da Lapónia, Rovaniemi (Finlândia), "The Legal Framework for Interception and E-Commerce";
  • Fernando Galindo, Universidade de Saragoça (Espanha), "How to Teach Philosophy of Law to Business Students? Some experiences".

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